Gelatin that meets the global demand for Halal food products
Gelatin is an insoluble fibrous protein with high molecular weight that exists in vertebrates and is the primary constituent of connective tissues and bones. Gelatin is made by boiling animal bones, cartilage, and skin to extract the collagen. There are several varieties of gelatin, the composition of which depends on the source of collagen and the hydrolytic treatment used. Raw materials for the production of commercial gelatin are processed in low and high pH environments. Most gelatin is one of two types. The first type of gelatin is exclusively made from pork skins; the raw material is treated in an acidic environment and is hence Haram for Muslims to use. For the second type of gelatin, the raw material is treated in an alkaline medium. It is made either from cattle and calf skins or from demineralized cattle bones, poultry skins or other permitted animals (slaughtered according to Islamic Sharia law).

For a long time, the general public believed that gelatin was derived only from pork, thus refrained from consuming food products that contained gelatin.
However, at El Amin factories we produce gelatin that is 100% halal. Unlike gelatin products available on most of the global markets, which are produced from the skin and bones of pigs and pork, we rely on Egyptian farm livestock; mainly cows and buffaloes.
Animals are fed on local farm produce and slaughtered according to Islamic sharia law, hence ensuring that all parts of the animal are halal. Our gelatin products are certified locally and internationally by (Halal) label.
Our products of gelatin pass through a very vigorous process of quality control to ensure it is of very high quality and fit for human consumption. In Egypt, El Amin gelatin is certified by Azhar scholars as Halal. On an international level, we are HALAL certified and labeled.
It is important to note that the size of the global market for Halal products has increased during the past decades. This is due to the increased demand of the Muslim population in Arab countries as well as the increasing Muslim communities residing in Europe, the USA, Australia, Canada and the rest of the world. This increasing demand has called for the importance of developing Halal authentication methods that respond to the consumers’ confidence in gelatin-based food products. It is therefore our duty to address the consumers’ concerns about gelatin and its production methods
The gelatin industry in Egypt relies solely on livestock, such as cows and buffaloes, from which the source material for gelatin is obtained. Therefore, unlike gelatin factories around the world, we do not use pig and pork skins. Also, all Egyptian cattle are slaughtered according to Islamic shariya law, which means that all our gelatin products are halal.
Our local halal gelatin products are made available for local consumption. Our halal products are also in high demand at most countries around the world to meet the needs of the increasingly large Muslim communities in the United States and Europe, as well as Arab countries.
All of the products produced at El Amin factories undergo strict and vigorous quality checks. Regular quality control checks are done by the Egyptian Ministry of Health and the Egyptian Veterinary Authority. We are also ISO 20000 and ISO 18000 certified. Additionally, our products are certified by Al Azhar as (Halal) products suitable for human consumption.
Gelatin is a by-product from the meat processing industry, which is considered a well-managed, natural and renewable resource.
The production of gelatin adds value to the community by converting these by-products into valuable protein products, thus reducing environmental impact and therefore enhancing the social and economic dimension of the meat industry. We are, therefore, proud that our gelatin products have positive impact on the overall sustainability as well as being part of the circular economy.
Our gelatin-based adhesives and glues possess qualities such as high strength and elasticity, making the glue a perfect choice to use with high-end products such as musical instruments and furniture.

The Ministry of Health and the Veterinary Authority also carry out periodic follow-up to ensure the continuity of production quality. We also have quality control measures and a microbiology lab at our factories to analyze gelatin during and post production. Thus, we succeeded in producing gelatin for local consumption use as well as for export.
El Amin gelatin is classified as 100% halal and competes in quality with international gelatin. This makes our products highly demanded. We export El Amin gelatin to the United Sates and Europe, as well as to Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Algeria, Syria and other countries in the Arab region.
In cases of export, certificates are issued from the Ministry of Health and the Veterinary Authority, stating that the product is suitable for human consumption.
Unlike many other gelatin products on the international market, our products are not chemically synthesized. One of the most important factors to realize about our gelatin products is that they are derived from 100% natural sources.
As one of the largest manufacturers and producers of gelatin both locally and internationally, we ensure the full traceability of the source material. We make sure where the raw material come from. We deal only with cattle and livestock farms that follow strict compliance processes in raising, feeding and slaughtering animals.
We are always anxious to deliver safe and healthy products to consumers. We have at our factories various quality control measures to ensure that the whole production process run according to strict compliance protocols that meet the internationally-accredited quality and safety standards.
As manufacturers and producers of gelatin, we adhere to stringent local and international food processing regulations. These regulations include but are not limited to cleanliness of the plant, equipment and employees. They also include quality checks at each phase of the production cycle.
Automated and computerized technologies allow the processors to preset and monitor ingredient amounts, time and temperature, acidity and alkalinity, and flow levels. Valves are installed along pipelines to allow for continuous sampling of the product.
Our high-quality gelatin is greatly used in the food industry. The wide variety of products that incorporate gelatin as an ingredient, include dairy products, different types of butter, sweets, jellies, chewing gum as well as coatings to preserve processed and canned food.
As stated above, a lot of consumers both in the local market as well as the international market look for halal products when they purchase gelatin. A lot of consumers are reluctant to purchase gelatin unless it is confirmed it is a halal product.
It is important to note that there are two criteria that must be met for gelatin to be halal. First, halal gelatin must be extracted from halal animals, like cows and buffaloes. Gelatin extracted from the skins and bones of pigs is not halal gelatin.
The second criteria for gelatin to be halal is that the animals must be slaughtered according to Islamic Sharia law. Gelatin extracted from halal animals that were not slaughtered according to Islamic Sharia Law is also non-halal.
All gelatin manufactured and produced at El Amin factories comply by these two criteria. The product comes from halal animals, mainly cows and buffaloes. Additionally, these animals are slaughtered according to Islamic Sharia Law.
If you are buying a product that contains gelatin as an ingredient, make sure to look for the halal logo. If the product contains gelatin but does not have the halal logo, it is better to avoid it.
Gelatin is used in the production of many food products such as chewy and fluffy sweets and desserts. In simple terms, gelatin is made from the boiled bones, skins and cartilages of animals. The most common source of gelatin is pigs, cows and buffaloes. This is because these animals have the most excess by-products left by the meat industry, like skin and bones. According to latest statistics, almost 42.5% of the world gelatin production is extracted from pigskin. The other 47.5% is extracted from other sources, like cows, buffaloes, fish and chicken.
When studying the halal certification, it is important to note that halal certification involves not only the products to be consumed directly by consumers. However, it involves all aspects of the production chain such as equipment used and other materials added to the product. As Muslim countries have increased imports of food products, there has been growing awareness of the problem gelatin presents to Muslim consumers. Increase in Halal awareness among Muslims has called for a great need of food-source authentications.
The presence of halal logos on gelatin-based food products ensures is halal. It also guarantees the product’s security, efficiency, and cleanliness. Halal labelling on the product is a sign that the product has been tightly tested, and that it has high quality of hygienic, safety and Halal assurance.
Halal gelatin can be used for gelatin dessert; dairy products such as yogurt, sour cream, and cottage cheese; and other dairy foods. It is also widely used in frozen desserts such as ice creams. Gelatin is the primary ingredient in marshmallows, keeping their whipped foam structure intact. It is also used in confections. In the meat industry, gelatin is used in luncheon meats and jellied beef. Gelatin is also used as a processing aid in the food industry in juices such as cider and fruit juices.
In the pharmaceuticals and cosmetics industries, the major use of halal gelatin is in the manufacture of capsules. Both soft and hard capsules contain gelatin as the main ingredient. Halal gelatin is also used in tablets as a binding, moisturizing, and coating agent. Lozenges and cough drops are often made with gelatin as the preferred base due to its lubricating and nonirritating properties. Gelatin has been used for the external application of drugs to treat various skin disorders and as an adhesive to hold bandages and dressings together.
At El Amin factories, we are proud to be one of the most recognized manufacturers and producers of Halal gelatin. Our continuous and vigorous quality checks ensure our products are of very high quality that meets the demands of our local, regional and international consumers.